

birth of Japanese Green Tea is done through a process of
steam blasting out the oxidizing enzymes to restrain fermentation.
This process allows the tea leaves to remain green in colour,
it also prevents the loss of vitamin C contained in the
tea. The various categories of Japanese Green Tea can be
divided into: Sencha, Bancha, Genmaicha, Hojicha, Kukicha,
Gyokuro, and Matcha. Unlike the processing steps of other
green teas, Matcha is dried in its unrolled shape after
the steaming process. The tea leaves then goes through the
step of twigs, stems, and vine removal. The refined tea
leaves then becomes Matcha and is ground by tea mills in
climate controlled rooms.
The drinking of Matcha also differs from other types
of teas. The proper way to make Matcha is to put 1 ½
tea scoops (approx. 2g) of Matcha in to a tea bowl and
then pouring hot water (First bring water to boil and
let it cool down to 80 degree Celsius). Then, using a
Matcha whisk, stir the tea until the lumps are removed
and fine foam appear on the surface which means the Matcha
is smooth enough to drink. The intake of tea leaves permits
a vast amount of vitamin and iron contents of the tea
to be absorbed in the body. Each type of Japanese tea
contains its own characteristics, such as: drinking Bancha
in the morning will get rid of the feeling of sleepiness,
thus feeling refreshed; drinking a cup of Hojicha to put
you in a relaxing state of mind.
Tea comprises of Flavanols, a form of Polyphenol, with
antioxidants to aid in the lowering of cholesterol as
well blood pressure. The more talked about Catechins,
a kind of Polyphenol is effective against influenza, and
cancer. In addition, the Catechins found most abundant
in green tea works to strengthen the immune system, and
inhibit cancerous cells and ulcers. Even though such nutrients
can be absorbed via fruits and vegetables, when compared
with spinach, garlic, or carrots, green tea surpasses
in nutritional value. Not only that, tea can also prevent
cavity, heart related problems, and strengthen bone density.
In order to make an exceptional pot of green tea, one
has to take into consideration both the duration of the
steeping process, and also the temperature of the water.
The sweetness of green tea can be brought out by immersing
it in low temperatures. In contrast, the bitterness of
the green tea will be brought out by higher temperature
water. As humidity, air, light and heat may cause spoilage
in Japanese tea, it is necessary to keep the tea in an
airtight container and place it in a cool place in order
to preserve its freshness.